Research & Initiatives
Our lab focuses on genetics, phylogenetics, epigenetics, single cell genomics, developmental cell biology, and funcational genomics.
My lab explores the genetic and epigenetic source of variation for natural selection and adaptation to work upon. I am interested in investigating what governs patterns diversity, what limits it, and what promotes its potentials. In order to do so, I combine methods of pure genetics, phylogenetics, epigenetics, single cell genomics, developmental cell biology, and functional genomics.
I am especially interested in butterfly wings patterns and chemical sensing, because I am attracted to the great possibility of combining population biology (natural selection and adaptation), with functional genetics and developmental biology. More recently, I am especially focusing on the cellular molecular architecture of single cells to determine the complex gene regulatory networks underlying the fate and development of color in butterflies’ wings.
With my work I am interested in answering a few bold questions: 1) what makes every individual unique? 2) what are the cellular/molecular regulatory mechanisms underlying phenotypic diversity, 3) what determines a cell fate? and 4) can we predict evolution, and if so to what extent?